FAQs for Loan Accounts

The more you know about using your accounts, the more confident you’ll feel. Therefore, we’ve provided easy-to-access answers to commonly asked personal banking questions. If at any time you don’t find what you’re looking, contact us in a variety of ways utilizing our Contact Us Center.

You can send your payment to the appropriate addresses below.

First National Bank Omaha
PO Box 2557
Omaha, NE 68103-2557

Log in to your online account to view your payment due date. You can also manage your account alerts to notify you of your upcoming payment, or check your monthly statement.

Log In to your online account and select the Profile Tab. From there, you will have the ability to update your physical address, email address, phone numbers, account preferences and security profile (login information).

We are committed to maintaining strict standards of security to help protect our customers’ information. Visit our Security Center to learn all of the ways our cyber security technology helps protect your personal and financial information, and also learn what steps you need to take to protect your information and accounts online.

Online account enrollment is easy. Click Here to setup your Online Banking account.

Click Here to reset your username or password online using our secure password reset tool.


To update your personal information, Log In to your account online and select the Profile Tab. From there, you will have the ability to update your physical address, email address, phone numbers, account preferences and security profile (login information).

No, when you sign up for paperless statements, you will not receive a paper statement in the mail. If you would like to continue to receive your paper statement, and you would also like to receive an email notifying you when your new account information is available to view online, you can Log In to your account and sign up for the “Statement Information Available” email alert in the Manage Alert section.

At any time, you can return to paper statements I the Accounts section of the online banking site, and choose “Manage Statement” to turn paperless on or off.

Log In to your account and visit the “Manage Account Alert” section.